Specialist Engagement: 10 Strategies for Getting Specialists Onboard with your Cost, Quality and Patient Satisfaction Goals
Why are accountable care organizations placing emphasis on specialist engagement? Specialty care drives 40-60% of medical costs and furthermore, specialists are critical to care delivery. There are many factors that can cause specialists to feel unengaged with their...
Proficient Health Sponsors Stomp the Stigma Drive-In Concert
Proficient Health is honored to sponsor and attend the Stomp the Stigma Drive-In Concert benefiting Mental Health Greensboro! Mental Health Greensboro is constantly working to break the cycle of poverty for families in Greater Greensboro. The night will consist of...
Using Advanced Referral Management Tools to Impact Key Metrics- Part 2
In our last blog post, we took a look into understanding and identifying the operational issues that ACOs and their participating providers face. This blog will focus on a few examples of how Proficient Health is helping our customers rise to these challenges:...
Using Advanced Referral Management Tools to Impact Key Metrics- Part 1
For years, effectively managing network referrals has been important for ACOs. However, a progressive ACO must acknowledge that effective referral management can impact much more than being able to monitor network leakage. With CMS and commercial payers...
RECAP: A Fireside Chat with ACO Leaders on the Impact, the Comeback & the Future for Accountable Care Organizations
2020 has had more than its fair share of changes and challenges for healthcare organizations across the country. Hearing how others are responding to the Coronavirus pandemic can have its advantages and help to make necessary preparations for the remainder of the...
What Actually Happens When A Specialist Consult Is Ordered In A Hospital & Why Does It Take So Long?
The good news: Electronic health record systems (EHRs) have made it very simple to order a specialist consultation for a patient! The bad news: The time between ordering a consult and a patient being seen can take hours… even days. There are numerous ways consult...
The Fax Machine is Bogging Down Our Coronavirus Response & Here’s What We Can Do About It!
Lengthy waits for COVID-19 test results have become commonplace in communities across the nation. And it is clear fax machines are a contributing factor. A recent article in the New York Times sums up the issue well (Bottleneck for U.S. Coronavirus Response: The Fax...
Helping ACOs Move Beyond Network Leakage – More Than Just Numbers
For years, network leakage has been a hot topic for ACOs, with significant implications for a number of areas including revenue, quality, patient satisfaction and more. Successful ACOs understand that when it comes to network leakage, it's important to focus on more...
The Missing Component of the Virtual Visit
In medical school, an entire first-year class and many parts of clinical rotations were spent learning the art of the physical exam. No one could imagine spending 4 years learning how to care for patients without examining them. We are all taught to use the subjective...