RECAP: A Fireside Chat with ACO Leaders on the Impact, the Comeback & the Future for Accountable Care Organizations

Chat with ACO Leaders on the Impact, the Comeback & the Future for Accountable Care Organizations

2020 has had more than its fair share of changes and challenges for healthcare organizations across the country. Hearing how others are responding to the Coronavirus pandemic can have its advantages and help to make necessary preparations for the remainder of the year.

Proficient Health, with our partner ACO Exhibit Hall, hosted a panel of ACO leaders to discuss the impact, the comeback and the future for healthcare organizations caused by COVID-19. ACO leaders, Matt Butala (Triad HealthCare Network), Dr. Brian Klausner (WakeMed Key Community Care) and Tyler Wilson (Austin Regional Clinic) participated and shared how their respective organizations are working through these challenging times.

Some of the topics discussed included: 

  • How ACOs and practices are managing the constant changes from COVID-19.
  • How care is being provided since many patients are not being seen face-to-face.
  • How ACOs are meeting their ‘high needs’ patients.
  • How to navigate the ‘psychology of fear’ to treat patients.
  • How network leakage plays into COVID-19.

You can listen to the live recording of “A Fireside Chat with ACO Leaders on the Impact, the Comeback & the Future for Accountable Care Organizations.” here.

As you navigate the remainder of the year and begin planning for the future, keep in mind that Proficient Health offers solutions to break down the communication barriers and improve patient care. Contact us for more information at (336) 389-6600 or
