Why are accountable care organizations placing emphasis on specialist engagement? Specialty care drives 40-60% of medical costs and furthermore, specialists are critical to care delivery. There are many factors that can cause specialists to feel unengaged with their ACO including a lack of incentives or the perception that specialists are cost drivers rather than care partners.
It’s important to use holistic, data-driven and technology-enabled approaches to engage specialists. Proficient Health & Roji Health Intelligence hosted a webinar to explore the top 10 strategies to promote engagement. A few strategies include:
- Establish regular communication protocols with specialists
- Implement technology that enables collaboration, lowers costs and improves patient satisfaction
- Develop a specialist focus compensation plan rewarding cost, clinical and operational excellence
- Regularly evaluate network membership
Check out the full webinar and PowerPoint presentation here.
Proficient Health specializes in providing technology that enables communication for urgent and non-urgent referrals. Breaking down the communication barrier between primary care providers and specialists will enhance engagement, support better patient care, easier consults, improved operational efficiencies, enhanced in-network optimization, and reduced costs for both healthcare providers and patients.
Contact us today to learn more! (336) 389-6600 or info@proficienthealth.com